Paintball and Airsoft field in Ottawa that recently converted to an Airsoft only field. Has a good community and also has a frequently updated facebook page.
Located on 51 acres, where anyone 12 yrs + can play simulated military skirmishes and organized scenarios on CQB, Ridge, forest fields.
Facebook link for updates on events and other news
OHP Facebook Page
What is you playing minimum age
As mentioned, OHP allows 12+ yrs old with parent/guardian but confirm with them directly.
so that means they have to play with u or sit out and watch u or neither, just come and check in
hey I am just getting into airsoft and was wondering when are your dates for events and how much do they roughly cost to get in. thanks
Hey Mac, welcome to Airsoft. We don’t run a field so I suggest you visit the linked sites to see about their events and pricing.
Hey, ohp. Also completely new to this sport. I plan on coming out this saturday, but I am wondering if I should bring food. I have seen matches where food must be eaten in-game, and I just need to know if this is the case with you guys.
Hey, we are not OHP. We are OttawaAirsoft.com and promote Airsoft in the community. For info about their field and activities just reach out to them on their Facebook page.
Question: If we are below 18 years of age but over 12 do we have to play with a Parent/Guardian?
Check with the individual fields directly to get clarification on their rules for minors.
what is the minimum playing age??
are there any clubs because i’m very interested in playing in a group that gets together every weekend or so