Recently many people have become concerned with the new laws passed that affect Airsoft in Canada. This post should help clear things up for those who are uncertain whether or not this has a major impact.
The major change from the law in early 2014 is that, to prevent accidental accusations of airsoft being real firearms, all Airsoft guns must be not used or seen in a public area or anywhere outside private property or an offical Airsoft field. This just means that Airsofters need to carry their guns in bags, cases or anything that prevents the gun to be seen publically.
The laws of children under the age of 18 owning an Airsoft gun still applies and they must now be supervised by someone over said age if they wish to use an Airsoft gun.
The laws regarding FPS and color of the body of the gun remain the same.
Hopefully this has cleared up any confusion surrounding the new laws and if any questions remain, you can ask in the comment section below.
Concerning Fps and/or muzzle energy, the limits are specified using 0.2g bbs. What if the airsoft gun within the legal limits with 0.2g bbs is used with 0.43g, will it matter? Because then the fps would be reduced. So, say the airsoft gun fires 450 fps with 0.2g bbs, but fires 350 fps with 0.43g bbs, is this gun still legal in Canada ?
As you said, as long as the gun follows the FPS restrictions for Canada using 0.2g and you use 0.43g, you should be able to bring it in no prob.
What if I buy the gun in the states pick it up and cross the border to Canada what would I have to do? Please help can’t find this answer anywhere
As long as it follows the FPS restrictions with 0.2g that Canada has set in place, you should be able to cross the border as long as you properly declare the airsoft gun.
Hope this helps
Can a gun be modified to shot 366 or more an be bought into canada
As long as the mods are done before coming into Canada you should be fine.
What are the style requirements? I’d like to buy a “replica” air gun that is styled like the S.T.A.R.S. Samurai Edge from a store online located in the states. Its all metal except it has an orange tip. Is this a legal gun to use in Canada?
As long as it follows the FPS restrictions for Canada, you should be able to use it.
Will these laws be the same all across canada?
Wht is the FPS restriction?
Does private property include my own home? I want to be able to test my airsoft guns at home.
You just have to watch what the neighbours will see. Don’t want them calling the police and you having to explain it’s just airsoft.
OK thanks!!!! My home is highly concealed with walls of trees so that’s taken care of.
I have LM4 GBBR and shoot 385fps w/.2 but than gas start low and shoot 332fps do you guys think gas gun/rifle consider illegal?
If it shoots at 385fps with .2g BBs when full on gas, you should be fine. Most guns have lower fps rates when running low on gas.
i have a G&G GR16 CQW Rush plastic Blow Back Combo wich has 380-400fps am i free to use it in a park away from any people and more specificly in a forest to play with my friends
Its best to use any Airsoft weapons in a regulated field or on private property.
If the forest is open to the public, I would advise against it.
sorry I know your being bombarded with questions but can I import a metal frame and metal slide (no actual components to shoot the gun) just a plain black metal frame and slide into canada and can I also import black metal green gas magazines thank you so much for your time
Frame: http://www.evike.com/products/36484/
Slide: http://www.evike.com/products/36482/
Magazine: http://www.evike.com/products/36499/
To be honest, I don’t actually know if this is okay to do. Your best bet is to maybe ask the company (in this case Evike) through E-mail if these parts can be legally shipped to you. Apologies that I can’t better answer your question, but I hope this helps.
Can I order airsoft parts like mags, sliders, ect, overseas without getting trouble by security?
We order lots of items from overseas and haven’t run into any issues. Granted, some have been opened and resealed by customs, but I don’t have a problem with that.
I seen some comments about shooting at your own home. Some areas like the one I live in have a “no trigger law” this means that any firearm of any kind airsoft included cannot be fired with in the limits of any town or city limits where that law exists. So check with the locale police to find out if there is one or not.
I bought an airsoft pistol and its coming from Ontario to Vancouver, the pistol is black and it shoots .12 gram BBS @160 fps, the pistol is plastic and clearly has an orange tip. Will i have any trouble getting it? The pistol is rather small
Bought in Canada, shipped in Canada…you should be fine.
Can you mail a airsoft gun and would it it get stopped or delayed
If I bought a air soft pistol that’s 315fps with .12g is that legal? (Sorry I’m a rookie)
The ratings are based on .20g, so if bought in Canada you should be fine but imported will likely be an issue.
If i have a clear (see-through) airsoft gun (spring) and it has an orange tip, can i use it in my backyard?
(The FPS is 210ft/s and the backyard is quite hidden, only the one direct neighbor would be able to see into it)
Check you local bylaws, but it’s at your discretion. Maybe give your neighbor a heads up if you are concerned. Also be prepared to explain yourself.
Can you keep a bb gun with you in your tent while camping not for use but just as a deterrent to potential theves?
No. Airsoft guns are for use on private property or regulated fields.
If I’m under the age of 18 can I use a airsoft gun in game???
Most fields will have a minimum age with parental consent. Check with your local field to find out what their requirements are.